Ken Bromley Association
What is the Ken Bromley Association ?
The Ken Bromley Association is setup to provide holidays on the Gold Coast for wounded service personnel and their families. A wounded serviceperson is any serving or past serviceperson who has physical or psychological issues and could use an all-expenses paid holiday on the Gold Coast. Many of our recipients have been Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) sufferers who could benefit from a holiday.
This scheme and its associated Trust account is administered by the Rotary Club of Gold Coast.
- How did the Ken Bromley Association start ?
The Ken Bromley association had its origins at the time of the Vietnam War when a Gold Coast Rotarian, Ken Bromley, who was an ex-serviceman passed away and left his estate to be administered by Rotary for the purposes of providing holidays for service personnel. This has evolved into the Ken Bromley Association today.
- Who administers the Ken Bromley Association’s funds ?
Members of the Gold Coast Rotary Club Inc administer the association through a dedicated volunteer member’s committee.
- Who is eligible ?
Any qualified serviceperson, either currently serving or a past member of the defence forces and their accompanying families or carer.
- What does the Ken Bromley Association pay for ?
The Ken Bromley Association pays for airfares and/or travel expenses to come to the Gold Coast, all accommodation, admission to local theme parks and a generous daily allowance for living expenses. Essentially, there is no cost to the serviceperson for the holiday.
- Does the Ken Bromley Association work with major organisations?
Yes, the Ken Bromley Association works with groups such as Soldier On, Mates 4 Mates, Open Arms (Vietnam Vets), Service Personnel Anglican Help Society (SPAHS).
- Can I approach the Ken Bromley Association directly ?
Yes, you can contact the association direct. You do not need to go through any of the above mentioned organisations.
- Where do we stay ?
You will stay on the Gold Coast at a mutually agreeable location. For example, some people with young children prefer the tourist area between Surfers Paradise and Broadbeach. Others looking for a quieter area might prefer the Southern Gold Coast areas between Burleigh Heads and Coolangatta.
- Will I have any obligations?
No there are no obligation on your part other than to enjoy the holiday! You may like to take part in a social gathering organised by the Rotary Club but there is no obligation to do so and you are free to do your own thing on your holiday.
- How do I find out more or apply?
Please contact Kevin Stapleton, Secretary of the Ken Bromley Association on 0409 878 352 or email