Greetings Fellow Rotarians! What a fantastic first meeting we had back at the Golf Club on Thursday evening. A huge thank you to all those in attendance, including our guests -word on the street being that we may have some new members coming into the fold which in this time of uncertainty is a credit to everyone in the club. We also welcomed back an old friend to the club, the Sergeant which was enjoyed by all. Awesome work! 

Also on the night, David Baguley got us thinking about what our club looks like now and how COVID-19 has and may affect the way we operate. Some great ideas and food for thought certainly came out on the night, including reminding members we are flexible in what we do so if you have something that you are really passionate about please let me know. We may be able to look at doing something in that arena.
He also touched on the different areas of the club, what they each do and the Leadership team invited members to join in and help out where they can.

We pride ourselves on being people of action so let's help out as much as we can. Coming up is our annual Botanical Bazaar on Sunday 04 October which will be all hands on deck for the day, to help make this another success. The Bazaar team has been working extremely hard to put this event together so we hope that all members can participate in some way in the lead up to, or on the day itself. If you can help, or if you are planning on being at the event on the day to volunteer, please contact David Baguley or Kate Kimmorley to let them know so they can allocate you to an area. I look forward to seeing you all there!

In the meantime don't forget our double celebration at the Botanical Gardens on Sunday 16 August; the Presidents Brunch and Birthday Celebrations for July, August and September. 
Our next club meeting is at the Southport Golf Club on Thursday 20 August where Assad will introduce the inspiring Ambassadors to his new Rotaract Club; a night not to be missed! So pop it in your diary today. 

Until next time, please take care and if you need anything at all please feel free to contact me via phone on 0433 069 174 or email