Be the Inspiration
Sep 20, 2018
District Governor Terry Brown
Be the Inspiration
Terry and his wife Carol have been married for 40 years. they live in Casino in the Richmond Valley of Northern NSW. They have 4 married children and 9 grandchildren.
Terry's background is in water, after working for Australia's largest Irrigation and Water Equipment manufacturer, commenced his own Irrigation Design and Water Product Business in 1980. After 33 years Terry and Carol retired and a succession plan saw their nephew acquire the business.
Terry joined Rotary in May 1989 and is currently a member of the Rotary Club of Lismore. Terry's first district position was as an AG in 2001. Since then he has many positions including Committee Chairs, Assistant Governor 3 years, Group Study Exchange (GSE) Team Leader and has participated in Fourth Avenue in Motion (FAIM) and Rotary Australia World Community Service (RAWCS) projects. Terry is a Sapphire Paul Harris Fellow (PHF) and a Rotary Foundation Benefactor.